Welcome back to week nine of, "Theology Thursdays FOR KIDS!!" Don't forget at the end of the post you are invited to Link-Up! If you missed the introduction post please click HERE! This will give you all the information about this series!
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Theology Lesson FOR KIDS #9
One God in Three Persons working Together
"Each of the persons of God is responsible for certain parts of the work that God does in the world." Dr. Ware
"Each of the persons of God is responsible for certain parts of the work that God does in the world." Dr. Ware
Today will be a short overview of how the three persons of God work together. Each showing a distinct role. Today we will look at salvation, spiritual blessings, and our prayers as found in Dr. Ware's chapter "The Father is God." Next week we will focus exclusively on the Father. Then in the weeks to come the Son and finally the Spirit! Stay Tuned!!
- Father: Planned salvation (John 3:16-17)
- Son: The One who came as man (while fully God), lived a perfect life, then died on the cross, and rose again (Philippians 2:5-8) (the Son carried out the plan)
- Holy Spirit: Worked to help Jesus during His life (Luke 4:14-21) and works in our lives so that we are able to put our faith in Christ and be saved (John 3:4-8)
Spiritual Blessings (see Ephesians 1):
- Father: He is the wise and gracious Giver of all of the blessings we receive
- Son: He won these blessings for us through what He accomplished in His life, death, and ressurection
- Holy Spirit: Blessings are brought into our lives through His work.
Our Prayers:
- Father: Prayer should be directed to the Father as Jesus gives the example in Matthew 6:9, "Our FATHER in heaven, hallowed be your name." The father is highest in charge and has authority over all.
- Son: BUT we can only come to the Father because of what the son, Jesus, has done for us through His death and resurrection. Our prayers to the Father are in the "name" of the son Jesus.
- Holy Spirit: The spirit directs us to pray as we should (Ephesians 6:18).
I'm am so blessed by these three examples! What I love the most is there is nothing to do with ME. The almighty, powerful, wise, and perfect God receives the glory and praise because it is His plan and He carries it out to completion! PRAISE GOD!
Specific Ideas for Teaching Lesson Nine to Children:
- Search the scriptures and look to see the three persons of God and how they perfectly work together!
- Review the examples above. Talk about them, read about them, even draw or act out the three role.
More General Ideas for Teaching Theology to Children...
- Don't be afraid to challenge your child to THINK! In a world where children have many thoughtless and effortless tasks (video games, TV, and computer time) challenge your child to THINK through great truths of the gospel!
- Take your time to soak up truth! Don't rush through a lesson, allow time, opportunities, and study to help resonate a specific truth within them (and us!!).
- Begin an individual journal or family journal about the theological truths learned, review it regularly.
- Pray that the Lord would give you wisdom and understanding as you seek to honor Him in the teaching and training of your children.
- Pray that God would open the eyes of your child's HEART that they would EMBRACE the gospel not just KNOW the content intellectually (see this related post).
- Talk about these truths DAILY and when teachable moments present themselves take advantage of them!
With Halloween tomorrow, I would like to feature, "Let's Celebrate Evil Kids." From True Aim. If you haven't had a chance to read jump over there now!Looking for a Halloween alternative? Check out my dear friend Amy's Reformation Day Celebration!
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