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Theology Lesson FOR KIDS #8:
One God in Three Persons
Specific Ideas for Teaching Lesson Eight to Children:
"What we can learn from this is that God is greater than anything we can imagine and more beautiful than anything we've seen. The doctrine of the trinity calls us to wonder and marvel at just how great God is. Three in One and One in Three- this is God, and there is no other." Dr. Bruce A. Ware
Dr. Ware shares with readers that, yes indeed the doctrine of the trinity is difficult to understand, but this is who God is! We do not have the option to decide who we think God is. He is so gracious to tell us. We must respond in faith!
"It is important for us to accept this teaching of the Bible as good and right because it tells us who God really is, as he has made himself known to us." Dr. Bruce A. Ware
As I have gone through this study over and over again I see a common theme, this is who God is despite my own understanding of things. Dr. Ware shares, "After all, the Bible has told us many times that there is no one like the Lord (Exodus 8:10; 9:14; Deuteronomy 33:26; 34:11; Jeremiah 10:6-7)."
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
Dr. Ware shares that when, "Jesus commanded His disciples to baptize believers in the "name" of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, he used the word "Name" as a singular noun, not "names" as a plural noun. This meant to show that there is one God, since there is one and only one nature of God as indicated by his one "name." This one God's name has three parts: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit...Each is God and shows what God is like."
- Discussing with children that some things are even difficult for mama/daddy to understand is a good thing! No one has is all figured out, we respond in faith and obedience to who God is!
- "The closest thing I've imagined to the Trinity is drawing one circle using three colored markers (perhaps red, blue, and green). If you draw the same colors three times, with each color overlapping exactly the previous one, you have one circle. But the red line is not the blue line, and the blue line is not the green line. Yet all three lines enclose only one circle." Dr. Ware
- Search the scriptures to learn the doctrine of the trinity together!
- Sing the doxology together to respond in faith and worship!
More General Ideas for Teaching Theology to Children...
- Don't be afraid to challenge your child to THINK! In a world where children have many thoughtless and effortless tasks (video games, TV, and computer time) challenge your child to THINK through great truths of the gospel!
- Take your time to soak up truth! Don't rush through a lesson, allow time, opportunities, and study to help resonate a specific truth within them (and us!!).
- Begin an individual journal or family journal about the theological truths learned, review it regularly.
- Pray that the Lord would give you wisdom and understanding as you seek to honor Him in the teaching and training of your children.
- Pray that God would open the eyes of your child's HEART that they would EMBRACE the gospel not just KNOW the content intellectually (see this related post).
- Talk about these truths DAILY and when teachable moments present themselves take advantage of them!
If you haven't had a chance to stop by, "Moms Teaching Olives" to read "Studying the Bible-Part 2" take a moment now! I especially was interested in their memorizing the books of the bible lapbook!
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Thank you so much for this encouraging post--the Trinity has always been something that I've found difficult to explain to children, so this post was helpful for me. I love the idea of singing the doxology together as well. And I especially was encouraged by your advice--" Don't be afraid to challenge your child to THINK! In a world where children have many thoughtless and effortless tasks (video games, TV, and computer time) challenge your child to THINK through great truths of the gospel!" Thank you for this encouragement and the Lord bless you.