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Theology Lesson FOR KIDS #6:
An All-Wise, All-Powerful, and All-Good God
An All-Wise God:
"To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen."
Romans 16:27
An All-Powerful God:
"Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17
An All-Good God:
"For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you." Psalm 5:4
"You are good and do good" Psalm 119:68
Specific Ideas for Teaching Lesson Six to Children: An All-Wise God:
"To the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen."
Romans 16:27
I thought that Dr. Ware's explanation of wisdom was good! He begins by sharing the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge was explained as having factual understanding yet wisdom is knowledge put to use (applied) for "practical purpose." He also discusses the difference between someone who is wise verses someone who is crafty. He explains that a wise person,"uses knowledge to bring about something that is good and right and helpful." Dr. Ware then applies this to our all-wise God with this, "No wonder the bible talks about God's wisdom being shown through his creation of the world (Ps. 104:24) and in his salvation of sinners (1 Cor. 1:18-25). In these two greatest works of God we see how God took his vast knowledge and applied it to bring about what was good and right and beautiful and best. Both creation and the cross of Christ display the wisdom of God like nothing else ever has or ever could."
"Ah, Sovereign LORD, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you." Jeremiah 32:17
Dr. ware begins by posing a question, "What if God were wise, in the ways we've just seen, but suppose he didn't have the power to bring about what his wisdom had planned?" He answers his own question with, "He is able to plan what is best, and nothing can keep God from bringing about what he knows is best to do." So we see that not only is our God all-wise but he also has the power to carry out his wisdom!
"For you are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil may not dwell with you." Psalm 5:4
"You are good and do good" Psalm 119:68
God is purely and perfectly GOOD! No evil, sin, or wickedness can even cross his mind.
"God plans only what is best (perfectly wise), and God cannot be hindered in bringing it about (all-powerful), and we know that his plans will work out for our best (completely good). Like sitting on a three-legged stool, we need to sit by faith on top of these three supports: God's wisdom, power, and goodness give us every reason to put our trust in God, and in God alone." ~Bruce A. Ware
- Discuss God's wisdom in creation and the cross as described above
- List bible stories that show or demonstrate God's power (You may enjoy "Bible Fun for Kids" for great visuals and free printables)
- Reflect on the goodness of God. Think and consider how there is NO evil in God!
More General Ideas for Teaching Theology to Children...
- Don't be afraid to challenge your child to THINK! In a world where children have many thoughtless and effortless tasks (video games, TV, and computer time) challenge your child to THINK through great truths of the gospel!
- Take your time to soak up truth! Don't rush through a lesson, allow time, opportunities, and study to help resonate a specific truth within them (and us!!).
- Begin an individual journal or family journal about the theological truths learned, review it regularly.
- Pray that the Lord would give you wisdom and understanding as you seek to honor Him in the teaching and training of your children.
- Pray that God would open the eyes of your child's HEART that they would EMBRACE the gospel not just KNOW the content intellectually (see this related post).
- Talk about these truths DAILY and when teachable moments present themselves take advantage of them!
This week "Moms Teaching Olives" linked-up a great post on their journey into classical conversations! Stop in to learn more about homeschooling in a classical way!
Also, Rebekah from "Ready to be Offered" linked a WONDERFUL post titled, "Why it's really not about losing ten pounds." This post will be an encouragement to many!! Here is a quick quote from her post,
"And I look into my babies' faces -- all beautiful, made in the image of God -- and then I look down at the stretch marks adorning my belly and I accept them as a thing of beauty, a thing of sacrifice, the surrender of using my own body to give life to another."
It's your turn to LINK-UP! Please see the rules below!
Also, Rebekah from "Ready to be Offered" linked a WONDERFUL post titled, "Why it's really not about losing ten pounds." This post will be an encouragement to many!! Here is a quick quote from her post,
"And I look into my babies' faces -- all beautiful, made in the image of God -- and then I look down at the stretch marks adorning my belly and I accept them as a thing of beauty, a thing of sacrifice, the surrender of using my own body to give life to another."
It's your turn to LINK-UP! Please see the rules below!
Your participation is a BLESSING to me (and I'm sure others as well!)
Link-up Rules:
- Please link up any related post on biblical theology, teaching God's Word to Children, or even a general biblical post for encouragement!
- You may use posts from your archives!
- Please link up the direct post (you can do this by clicking on the title of your desired post to link up then copy/paste that exact URL!)
- I would appreciate if you link back to my blog in some way! You may use my button or copy/past this link... (http://myteachersnameismama.blogspot.com/search/label/Theology%20Thursdays%20FOR%20KIDS!!!) or even a general link to "My Teachers Name is Mama" is appreciated!
- Then LINK-UP! Thank you for your participation as we seek to encourage one another in the raising of our children for the glory of the Lord!
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