This post contains affilate links that I hope you will find helpful!!
Click each link below to be directed to the free printable resource...
- Monday- Alphabet Itsy-Bitsy Books A fun mini book for each letter of the alphabet (does NOT include the vowels). We keep each completed book in a special box to look back at and review (see picture above)!
- Tuesday- A-Z Play Dough Mats I place the mat inside a clear plastic page protector then we roll out our play dough and form the letters!
- Wednesday- Uppercase Alphabet Color & Trace Pages First we use a marker and trace the three letters, then we decorate or color the picture, last we glue cheerios, noodles, pom poms, or other small objects to the letter.
- Thursday- Lowercase Alphabet Color & Trace Pages First we use a marker and trace the three letters, then we decorate or color the picture, last we glue cheerios, noodles, pom poms, or other small objects to the letter.
- Friday- Cut and Glue Letter Pictures (locate each letter on the right side of the web page then find the activity sheet that has "words that begin with the letter") I've recently purchased Fiskars Pre-School Spring Action Scissors
to teach beginning scissor skills and she LOVES it! Then I allow her to use the glue to glue the pictures!
- Saturday- ALL Letters Review: We read alphabet books, complete alphabet puzzles, sing a-z learning songs, etc. (a FEW of my favorites can be found on Amazon below)
Once our letter is completed for the week I staple the letter pages together for her to look through like a book (see picture below)!
This has been a very simple and fun way to introduce and begin letter awareness with my child! Happy Learning!
Great beginning activities!