If you are considering homeschooling there is a reason why! You want the very best for your child. Use that motivation, to be the best for your child, and provide for them a wonderful home learning environment! Don't use that motivation for perfection and fear. Take one learning day at a time!
Resources are plentiful! Today we live in an information overloaded world. We have resources and information always with us through phones, computers, i-pads, tablets, and the list goes on. Use these resources in a way that is helpful for your family, resist being overwhelmed by it. You will have plenty of resources and you can simply use or adjust the content to meet your child's learning needs! (More on this to come throughout the series)
You know your child the best! You can see a melt down coming before it hits, you know distraction or irritability, you sense when it's a good day, you have the best motivation for your child, you know when your child will be engaged, and this list goes on. You are the best teacher for your child because you KNOW your child inside and out. You can schedule your day to fit their best learning times, create individual motivational charts, prevent overload and meltdowns all in a safe and calm home learning environment!
Academic learning doesn't need to be from the traditional 8:30am to 3:30pm for your child to be successful. Because you are giving one-on-one support to your child you will be amazed at how much you can accomplish. This actually opens up the day to create even more learning opportunities (cooking, cleaning, playing outdoors, field trips, self-help skills, crafts, arts, music, etc.)
Please join me on this journey of homeschooling your child with special needs. This will never be a decision you will regret. Investing in your child brings much fulfillment and happiness!! What a wonderful opportunity you have before you. Embrace it with joy.
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You are doing a wonderful job, Jessica! I'm sure your series will encourage many families!