For: "Theology Thursdays FOR KIDS!! LINK-UP
When: EVERY THURSDAY beginning September 4th
Why: To encourage one another in the teaching and training of our children in the Lord (read more here in my introduction post)
Sneak Peak of the Link-up Rules:
*I reserve the right to remove any post that I feel may not be appropriate or applicable to this particular link-up. Thank you for reviewing and following the link-up rules!
- Please link up any related post on biblical theology, teaching God's Word to Children, or even a general biblical post for encouragement!
- You may use posts from your archives!
- Please link up the direct post (you can do this by clicking on the title of your desired post to link up then copy/paste that exact URL!)
- I would appreciate if you link back to my blog in some way! You may use my button or copy/past this link... (!!!) or even a general link to "My Teachers Name is Mama" is appreciated!
- Then LINK-UP! Thank you for your participation as we seek to encourage one another in the raising of our children for the glory of the Lord!
Please check back each week as I may feature your blog the following Thursday!
Also follow "My Teacher's Name is Mama" on pinterest to see your links pinned under "Theology Thursdays for Kids LINK-UP."
(Don't have a blog? Consider joining the conversation and encouragement by leaving a comment! I encourage all readers to participate!)

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